8 Life Skills Every College Should Teach for Adulting Success

By: Ella Baker Last updated: 08/22/2024

While college provides a wealth of academic knowledge, it often overlooks the essential life skills needed to thrive in adulthood. From managing finances to handling stress, these are the skills that should be taught in every college curriculum. Below are eight courses that would better prepare students for the realities of post-college life.

Managing Personal Finances

Learning to manage personal finances is crucial, yet many graduates find themselves unprepared for the financial challenges of adult life. A course on personal finance would cover essential topics such as budgeting, saving, credit management, and understanding loans. Graduates who master these skills are better equipped to make informed financial decisions and avoid the common pitfalls of debt and overspending.

  • 54% of college graduates regret not learning more about personal finance.
  • Average student loan debt for recent graduates: $28,950.
  • 40% of Americans have less than $300 in savings.

Basic Home Maintenance and Repairs

Many young adults leave college with little to no knowledge of how to maintain a home. A course on basic home maintenance would teach students how to perform simple repairs, such as fixing a leaky faucet or replacing a light fixture. Understanding these basics not only saves money on professional services but also empowers individuals to take better care of their living spaces.

  • 60% of homeowners rely on professionals for simple home repairs.
  • Average cost of a plumber: $45-$200 per hour.
  • 29% of renters and homeowners don’t know how to shut off the water in their home.

Effective Communication Techniques

Communication is key in both personal and professional life. A course on effective communication would teach students how to convey their thoughts clearly, listen actively, and navigate conflicts. Whether in the workplace or at home, these skills are invaluable for building strong relationships and avoiding misunderstandings.

  • 85% of job success is attributed to soft skills like communication.
  • 70% of employers value communication skills over technical abilities.
  • 28% of people report avoiding difficult conversations due to fear of conflict.

Time Management and Organization

Time management is a critical skill that many people struggle with, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities. A course on time management would help students prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and develop strategies to stay organized. Mastering time management leads to increased productivity and reduces the stress associated with last-minute deadlines.

  • 50% of working adults feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities.
  • 75% of people use a to-do list to stay organized.
  • 41% of tasks on a to-do list never get completed.

Cooking and Nutrition Basics

Healthy eating and the ability to cook are essential life skills that are often overlooked in formal education. A course on cooking and nutrition would teach students how to prepare simple, nutritious meals on a budget. Understanding the basics of nutrition also helps individuals make healthier food choices, leading to better long-term health outcomes.

  • 35% of young adults eat fast food multiple times a week.
  • 80% of adults don’t eat the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Average monthly cost of groceries for one person: $200-$400.

Navigating the Job Market

Graduating from college is just the beginning of building a career. A course on navigating the job market would provide students with the tools they need to land their first job, including resume writing, interview skills, and networking strategies. Understanding how to effectively search for a job can make the transition from student to professional much smoother.

  • 70% of jobs are found through networking.
  • 44% of recent graduates are underemployed.
  • Average time it takes to find a job after graduation: 3-6 months.

Understanding Legal Rights and Responsibilities

A basic understanding of legal rights and responsibilities is essential for navigating adulthood. A course on this topic would cover fundamental legal concepts, such as understanding contracts, tenant rights, and consumer protection. This knowledge helps individuals avoid legal pitfalls and make informed decisions when dealing with legal matters.

  • 40% of Americans don’t understand their basic legal rights.
  • Average cost of legal representation for simple matters: $150-$400 per hour.
  • 50% of people sign contracts without fully understanding the terms.

Mental Health and Stress Management

Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, yet it’s often neglected in education. A course on mental health and stress management would teach students how to cope with stress, recognize signs of mental health issues, and seek help when needed. Prioritizing mental health is crucial for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.

  • 80% of Americans report feeling stressed regularly.
  • 50% of people experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives.
  • 42% of workers report that stress makes them less productive.

These courses would provide the practical skills needed to navigate the complexities of adult life. Incorporating them into college curricula would ensure that graduates are not only academically prepared but also equipped to handle the challenges of the real world.


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